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Saturday, January 19, 2008

sry guys im lazy to update

GoodBye;8:08 AM

Monday, September 10, 2007


Students these days are getting more stress and pressure from their family, teachers and peers. Some students ask themselves, what is their real occupation? Some of them just tend to loiter around shopping malls and void decks and simply skip school while another bunch of obedient school kids attends school as told to do so. What else does students what?

What some students really want is just some fun and enjoyment outside school. Imagine being trapped in a same school for 4 to 6 years, and facing the same teachers and being together with the same old friends, won’t you get bored and just want to have some fun? I bet you would. Although I have not personally escaped or played truant from school before, but I can actually feel and express how those students feel.

Well, for the other obedient schooling child who attends school everyday without fail like me, I thought that we were in jail; it might have been worst then jail. For example, the Ministry of Education plays the role of the judge which sentences us to 5-years Normal Academic course to the various 100 over secondary schools in Singapore. Then, the principals and staff member plays a part as the guard who looks after the prison (aka the school). Of course, the students play an important role of being the jailbirds.

People say we’ll never survive going through the Singapore education system, and if we did, if would be a horrible period of time for us. You can never imagine how a horror it can be, because the education right here is way beyond your imagination and that’s what drives all the students crazy.

In addition to that entire nightmare, teachers are throwing assignments, projects and home works that due as soon as the next day. That’s why, some students would just leave the homework a side and start playing their computer games. Only some would choose to be the teachers pet and complete all their assignments, and they would end up dead tired at the end of the day and will have no time for other stuff.

As you know, when you have no time for your family, the bonds and togetherness would soon be extended further apart. As for friends, you will leave further away from them and soon, yours friendship would just fade in a blink. It’s just so unbelievable that education could do such things to you, even though parents are forcing you to study. But sometimes parents don’t know the consequences of their actions.

When the school gives an assembly talk about ‘how to plan your revision time’, one of the most common things that school will ask their students to do is to create a timetable/study time. I think it’s an extremely moronic idea, and sometimes I think the speaker doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.

How can someone create a proper timetable with the teachers screaming and nagging at them to do certain written task or online quizzes? For once, please do remember that the precious students of yours are humans and not robots, so they too need rest like you. Holidays are simply not enough, because you keep giving the students pathetic consent forms to attend long-winded remedial classes. Wake up teachers, I know you will miss us during the holidays, but we won’t.

Some teachers might find me spitting rubbish, but I am sorry to tell you that this is the plain truth that I have to voice out.

Although I got to admit that some teachers are really kind and generous outside classes, but please keep in mind, only some. The reason why I said that is because, once a teacher steps into class, the class would seem so stressed up that in any minute anyone could have just passed out. While outside class, it’s more relax and enjoyable to chit-chat with the teachers with a more stress-free way!

Although really sometimes I agree that we do study to increase our knowledge and get a good certificate to enter good school, but the teachers should try to make our lessons and assignments as stress-free as possible.

I would like to then highlight a teacher who I think deserves to be praise for all her hard work and effort that she has put in for my class. The shocking fact is, that she was only a teacher practicum (that basically means that she is just a temporary relief teacher)

She teaches me English and Geography and will always hand out notes to all of us at the beginning of the lesson. She would always conduct her lessons using Microsoft PowerPoint and as she in presenting, the answer to the questions that appear on the notes would be flashed in the various different slides. That makes a student do lesser jobs, and that’s what I mean by stress-free!

Another thing that I believe most schooling student hates, except those people who are study geeks, is that super long school duration hour. We have to wake up at around 5.30am in the morning to prepare ourselves, and as the day goes on, most school ends at around 3pm. After that, we still have our after school activities that will just take away our time. So, some of the unlucky once would end up at home at around 6pm plus. How terrible? As mentioned previously, the student also has a pile of assignments to complete. So where did the rest go? Isn’t this pure torture, or what do you call it?

One point that I almost forget is that in school, we don’t get all the freedom and privacy that a student needs. Some busybody teachers (if you are unlucky, but I don’t really have one) would just impolitely snatch your phone away and just start reading your inbox happily like nobody’s business. Hello? Where is the manner? Teachers tend to teach but they themselves sometimes set bad examples.

You just can’t do something in school freely and expressively, that’s what bore the whole education system. If we got a chance to do anything we wanted to do all in school, I bet the popularity of all schools would be high. Trust me, schools should just cut and quit school rules, because they are so old fashioned.

Wouldn’t it be great if I could go to school as and when I like? Wouldn’t it be enjoyable if I could do everything freely without anyone’s control or any teacher nagging? I think that it would be a miracle, maybe better than that. But dream on, this will never happen, because the schools here are always strict; and nevertheless, old.

After 1 week of holiday. Time to go back to
school . =( BORING AH! school again need wake
up early and go to school . man hate it .
today nothing much happen.

After reading this please give comment to RAYNARD.
Thank You.

GoodBye;5:38 AM

Monday, September 03, 2007

on 3/09/07 post.
Today went out with angeline , joe , huiling , yiting and lastly enoch to
orchard road(cineleisure) to catch some movie HAIRSPRAY.
LOL its a dam lame show though but you should try to go watch it
as there's a homo in the show so gross.OMG.
After finish watching hairspray went to paragon to find Ais
awhile as we have nothing to do =x
After reaching paragon met Ais haha.Then after a few minutes
later fiona came =O . HII fiona =D . So after that
went to PC BUNK to have fun awhile omg packed with people,
playing audition and maple.ALL OF THEIR AGE IS like can be
your father ? HaHa NAH! i have a father already i don't want to
have another father !
So after playing awhile saw Char =O say hii again to char haha.
so after staying awhile at bunk went to plaza singapura swensen
to have dinner with them.
After waiting for don't know how long finally ordered food lols.
So after finish ordering the foods they all started to chit chat
but not me lol.Im so call emo kia over there lol that what they call me
haha.After a few minutes later L.E.C.A came and say yo using hand sign.
So after that he ordered food and start eating .
After he finish eating and a few minutes later a birthday cake arrive .
So sang birthday song to yiting as her birthday is coming.
FINISH eating cake and they all snap shot me omg.
So after that have group photo together.
After that Joe and Angeline left and left the 5 of us
so went to find fiona,char and Jol.
after sitting down there for don't know how long
we left the place and decided to go home.

-ALL i have to say is i have a fun day with you guys.
although i didn't take more then 15words .
But still hope you guys enjoy it too . =D
Hope to have the meeeting again =D
Looking forward to it =)

GoodBye;10:57 AM

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

hii people =D
normal day as usual but one thing is that
we are having common test lol. haha.
BEST THING of common test is that we all
were cheating during exam haha.
using notes or writing on leg and even on table
Lol.I also have cheated during exam haha .
SHh don't tell teacher ah if not all people in the
class will be drag down into the water lol.
okays nothing else to blog anymore byes.


GoodBye;6:48 AM

Saturday, August 25, 2007

hi i have came to blog.
i know some of the peeps not happy
with me.And spamming my tag box.
If you not happy say it to me
what for tag at my blog with other name?
HUM ah?
Want scold people please use your real name la hor.

-I know some of you guys think im sucks ☑
blog till here .


GoodBye;7:07 AM

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Today post.
First i want to wish LiTing a happy 15th birthday.
Hope that your wish will come true.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope you will like the
present that i gave it to you .

GoodBye;12:07 AM

Monday, August 20, 2007

hii people
blogging again ^^
today as usual go to school
study study study
then recess recess recess
again study study study haha.
After school went to Cwp to buy
something as tomorrow is someones birthday =)
haha after i bought the present then went straight back home
Went back home then go online chatting in msn =D
okays blog till here.byes

GoodBye;6:47 AM

` MiiE.

name:: b A n G y O n g
hatched on:: 16/1/1992
school::si ling secondary school
CCA::Basketball msn:bangyong_1692@hotmail.com add mi if u wan

U.R W.O.R.D.s

` Likes.

my com
my handphone
my friends
my sweetiie <33
my bed


New handphone
A nice jacket
A new shoes =_=
lots of shirt n pants


Chunkeong** =D
jun ru*
xue ting*
Add me in friendster!

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